Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a small world after all

Try to follow along! This story is kinda confusing. Especially if you don't know any of these girls that I am about to talk about. :) So I met this girl up here at college. Natalie Gilbert. She lives with my cousin Teresa! So that's how we know each other. Anyway, she is a way awesome chick and we get along great! So then Natalie introduced me to her cousin Kjersti. Kjersti just happens to be in a lot of my music classes! So now we are friends too! She is a way cool girl and super duper funny! So then I find out that Kjersti is cousins with Kristine Butler and Karli Engebretsen both of whom I met on my church history trip over the Summer! It's completely crazy! What a small world eh?? Now, the pictures of this story are in order of appearance from this post. Try to keep up. First Natalie, then Teresa, then Kjersti, then Kristine, and lastly Karli. Super crazy stuff! I know. It's insane how people know each other and then you meet them and find out that you know the same people. Some of whom live ALL the way across the country! Crazy stuff. When I found all this out, I was freaking out! I called Kristine right away, but she was super tired and WAY loopy, so I told her to go take a nap, crazy. She was laughing all weird like she does. haha! (Don't worry Kristine, you are prolly the only one who ever looks at this blog thingy, so not a lot of people will know that you laugh funny when you are oober tired. haha!) It's a small world after all. Isn't it crazy how all Mormons are some how connected in this strange world. haha!


Kristine said...

HAHAHAHA! Christie! You make me laugh! I loved this post! :) Sorry I was so loopy...and I DO NOT laugh funny! Humph. Hehe.
Love you girlie!

Kristine said...

p.s. My head looks like 50 times smaller than Karli's in that picture! :) Plus, I look really tired or something! :)

Kristine said...

What ev. ;)

Kjersti said...

So for some reason I've read this post before...I'm not sure where, but I have. It is crazy how we're all connected somehow!

Christie said...

Kjersti, you probably read this post on my facebook page. I believe I posted it as a note deal thing.