Sunday, September 14, 2008

Darryl Banez!!

Darryl Banez has been serving a mission in Wisconsin, Milwaukee for 1 year! Sara, Royelle and I were able to sing "The Olive Tree" a year ago at his farewell. He has been doing wonderful in Wisconsin. We write each other regularly and send each other pictures. I am so proud of him for being out on a mission! He has a lot of fun with his companion and serving the members of the church. This is a picture of him in some corn fields! I love him and miss him so much! He has been a huge part of my life.

Darryl and I became friends because I didn't have a date to my Junior Prom. He found out from my friend Megan and we ended up going together and loving every minute! We had a blast together! We went to see Stomp Out Loud in Las Vegas and we went to a really fancy place called Sedona for dinner. After Prom, we continued to see each other up til he left for his mission. He made a collage of our pictures from Prom and from my birthday. He decorated my truck like crazy! We really had an amazing time together in the Summer of 2007.

He comes home in 1 year and I can hardly wait! :)


Kristine said...

Awww, so this is Darryl. Nice to have a face with the name!
I love all the pictures with the titles under them! :) So cute!
You turned 17 in one of those pictures! Haha, I "just" turned 17 as well! Weird!

Anonymous said...

Oh ELDER BANEZ! I miss that kid so much too! He's been telling me so much about his mission! So who's that Tyler kid? Are you dating him now? Well, just wondering. I love elder banez!

Christie said...

Who is this anonymous person?? How do you know Darryl?? :) I had been dating the Tyler kid for a while. He is on a mission now as well. :) I love Elder Banez very much too. :)

Anonymous said...

I know jay from college. He helped me with a class once. He's so sweet and always caring about others before himself. He kind of told me in his letters that he's lost touch with some if his friends back home because they were dating people and didn't care. That's why I was wondering about you and that Tyler kid. Hope it works out with you and Tyler.

Christie said...

What is your name? Who are you? I have never known anyone to call Darryl by his middle name. Tell me who you are so I can ask Darryl about you.

Anonymous said...

Oh forgive me. My name is kelsey. I call darryl - jay - because he said that "jay" sounds a little more modern. Kind of cool I guess. Supposedly there's a guy on his mission who thinks "jay banez" sounds sweet. Haha.

Christie said...

Oh that is kinda cool. So how did you come across this page anyway? Have I ever met you?

Anonymous said...

well I googled darryl banez on google to see what would pop up. I found this and remembered the things elder B told me about you. I haven't met you, no. So are you waiting for jay or Tyler? Isn't that hard?

Christie said...

The old google thing. haha! I've done that too. :) As for waiting for anyone, not really. When Darryl left on mission, we understood that I would prolly be dating some other guys while he is away. After all, I was only 17 when he left. I don't exactly have a lot of experience. And Tyler has always known of my strong feelings for Darryl, and he respects that a lot. Now, when they both get back, who knows what will happen. No one can know the future. Also, God's ways are not always our ways. It requires faith and trust to know that things will turn out just right as we are righteous and striving to stay on the straight and narrow path.

Anonymous said...

cool. Well I hope you don't mind me writing elderb. He's so awesome! I was wondering if he was "yours". Hope you have a great time at college. Good luck.

Christie said...

Kelsey, of course I don't mind you writing to him. :) I know he has A LOT of really good friends that keep him going. He needs that. :) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yeah i write him every week. he's so diligent at writing back! i love him!