Thursday, August 21, 2008

College life... so far

Well, believe it or not, I am now in college. Here is a picture of all the JUNK I brought from my home. It was interesting trying to find a place for it all in my new place. I am really going to miss my truck...
It's crazy! I cannot believe it myself that I could be old enough to be living on my own now. I'm in Cedar City attending SUU. I've got a nice apartment with 5 other girls. The location of it is just incredible! Right across the street from the campus, right across the street from the church, and most importantly, right across the street from the institute building! :) It's pretty amazing!! It was hard to say good bye to my family when they left from dropping me off up here. I am without a car for the first semester up here, but if I feel like I truly need one at the end of it, then my parents said they would pitch in to get one for me so that I can go places. My roommate, Royelle has a car and she has been gracious enough to haul me around where ever we go. lol.
It still hasn't hit me that I actually live in Utah now... Like, what??? Utah?!? I feel like I am just on some vacation and that I will be home in just a few days, but it's not like that. I just have not gotten used to everything yet I suppose.
I signed up for an institute class yesterday afternoon! Latter Day Saint History! I am way excited about it! Ever since my church history trip that I went on this Summer, I really just can't get enough of it! I love it!
I am a music major on piano and trumpet...for now. Then I have a random Engineering class that should be interesting. I have always liked math, and I like to figure out how things fit together, so I will see how it goes. I hope that it won't be so hard that I flunk or something... If I end up really liking it and understanding everything, then I will make Engineering my major and music my minor.
Today we went on a tour of the campus with a group of people who are in our same college. We went all through the music building and met the orchestra teacher, the voice lady, and the band director! They are all 3 very very nice individuals and I am looking forward to spending a lot of time with all of them! The music secretary lady is Donna. Kinda like my new Jackie, but no one can replace her! :) She's simply too amazing!
I do not have Internet access at my apartment (which we nick-named "the swamp") so I have to come sit on the lawn at the school or go to the lab in the library in order to do computer stuff. But that's okay because it's really not very far of a walk! Plus, it's good for me! :)
College is going to be one incredible experience with hard times and with fun times and meeting new people! I love new friends, so this is going to be awesome! I just hope I can stay involved with a lot of things!! :D


Kjersti said...

I take it you didn't like your engineering class... :)

Christie said...

It was a fun class, but I found something I like even more.

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