Monday, March 26, 2012

Learning . . .

Still in school. Learning a lot about music, the gospel, and mostly about myself. Had an awesome time with my boyfriend last night. Just talking about the different things we've learned and come to know. He's such an amazing guy! He's that one spiritual good looking guy that I always wish I could have a chance to date, but knew I never would. But he's mine! It's awesome. :) I can't even believe how lucky I am right now in my life. My life has been so blessed!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Been a long time. How ya'll doing? Senior Recital coming up this semester! Hope to see you there April 7th!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The trumpet solo

As you may or may not be aware, I am a music major at SUU. I play the trumpet. So I am in this brass studio class and 3 times a semester, we've got to play a solo piece for the class. I have played one time so far (until today) and there is only one class left! So today I played for the second time. I did not have any other solos I had been working on besides the one I had already played. So I had a plan! My music theory class was canceled today to give us time to "work on our final projects". But instead, I used that time at 10am to visit the music library at the school and find a solo to play. I found a piece called Prayer of Saint Gregory. I have heard the piece before so I knew pretty much how it went. I checked out the music from the library at 10:15am and jetted over to the music building. I knew that the music theory class would be vacant due to the fact that class was canceled, so I let myself in there with my trumpet and this new music. I played through it a couple of times on the trumpet, then a couple of times on the piano (so I could still hear how it is supposed to sound with out blowing my chops) and then a couple more times on my trumpet. I thought I had it down pretty good. So at about 10:50am, I started to head over to the brass studio class to perform my newly learned piece. I sat down and waited for class to begin. I was the first one to perform. So I told everyone what I was going to play, took a large breath, and began. It was sounding pretty great, considering the small amount of time that I allotted myself to work on it. Usually when the student finishes the performance in class, everyone claps and then brings up some comments such as "Oh, that was good, but you can improve on this... Maybe you can work on this... You could use a little more contrast here..." ect. But when I finished playing today, there were no comments like that! One person said "Great job." and another said, "good dynamics." That's it! They thought it was a pretty good performance. I did not tell any of them that I had never actually played the piece before, nor did I tell them that I just picked it up a half hour before class. Dr. Stickney, the band director asked me if I knew anything about the composer. I answered with an honest, "no. nothing." He suggested I look up things about the composer and that would help me find out a story to go along with why he wrote the piece. I guess the main point of my story is, no one knew that I had just learned the song and yet it still went very well! It was crazy! And quite honestly, it was a good feeling. :) That is all.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a small world after all

Try to follow along! This story is kinda confusing. Especially if you don't know any of these girls that I am about to talk about. :) So I met this girl up here at college. Natalie Gilbert. She lives with my cousin Teresa! So that's how we know each other. Anyway, she is a way awesome chick and we get along great! So then Natalie introduced me to her cousin Kjersti. Kjersti just happens to be in a lot of my music classes! So now we are friends too! She is a way cool girl and super duper funny! So then I find out that Kjersti is cousins with Kristine Butler and Karli Engebretsen both of whom I met on my church history trip over the Summer! It's completely crazy! What a small world eh?? Now, the pictures of this story are in order of appearance from this post. Try to keep up. First Natalie, then Teresa, then Kjersti, then Kristine, and lastly Karli. Super crazy stuff! I know. It's insane how people know each other and then you meet them and find out that you know the same people. Some of whom live ALL the way across the country! Crazy stuff. When I found all this out, I was freaking out! I called Kristine right away, but she was super tired and WAY loopy, so I told her to go take a nap, crazy. She was laughing all weird like she does. haha! (Don't worry Kristine, you are prolly the only one who ever looks at this blog thingy, so not a lot of people will know that you laugh funny when you are oober tired. haha!) It's a small world after all. Isn't it crazy how all Mormons are some how connected in this strange world. haha!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Darryl Banez!!

Darryl Banez has been serving a mission in Wisconsin, Milwaukee for 1 year! Sara, Royelle and I were able to sing "The Olive Tree" a year ago at his farewell. He has been doing wonderful in Wisconsin. We write each other regularly and send each other pictures. I am so proud of him for being out on a mission! He has a lot of fun with his companion and serving the members of the church. This is a picture of him in some corn fields! I love him and miss him so much! He has been a huge part of my life.

Darryl and I became friends because I didn't have a date to my Junior Prom. He found out from my friend Megan and we ended up going together and loving every minute! We had a blast together! We went to see Stomp Out Loud in Las Vegas and we went to a really fancy place called Sedona for dinner. After Prom, we continued to see each other up til he left for his mission. He made a collage of our pictures from Prom and from my birthday. He decorated my truck like crazy! We really had an amazing time together in the Summer of 2007.

He comes home in 1 year and I can hardly wait! :)